Suzanne Bartlett and her husband Gareth ran the Post Office and Natural Food Stores at Suffolk House from 1982-1998. In 1994 Suzanne attended an activity day at the Village Hall to raise money, with a chance to try singing, dance, meditation, Tai Chi etc. It was as a result of going to the singing workshop that she decided to set up a singing group in Yoxford, as singing teacher Sian Croose had come down from Norwich to lead the singing and Suzanne was impressed by how she got a group who had never sung together before to sing so well in such a short space of time. Suzanne started YoxVox soon afterwards as a mixed voice singing group run on Natural Voice principals i.e. singing is for everyone and there is no need to be able to read music. Sian Croose led the singing for the first year or two. She was followed by Bridget Cousins and then Helen Rolfe. Jenny Fisk now leads the singing. They meet twice monthly on a Monday evening in the Village Hall just for the pleasure of singing together in 3- or 4-part harmony, learning by ear rather than from a musical score, simple songs from around the world. In the early days they did occasionally perform but several people didn’t want that so the practise wasn’t continued.