Yoxford Parish Council receive regular updates from Sizewell C on the progress of the application. We publish these unedited updates for the information of all Yoxford residents. We retain an objective stance on these matters and any opinions or conclusions contained within the documents do not necessarily reflect the views of the Parish Council. All discussion held by the Parish Council with regard to the Sizewell C development is minuted and can be viewed on the minutes uploaded to this website.
Track Sizewell C’s work via the project’s Work Tracker:
11.03.25 Latest update from Sizewell C: https://issuu.com/sizewellc/docs/sizewell_c_community_newsletter_jan_feb_2025
06.12.24 December Sizewell Update. Click link: https://issuu.com/sizewellc/docs/sizewell_c_monthly_update_december_2024