SING OUT! Community Choir. We are a relaxed and friendly choir and have been running since 2013.
We sing a mix of music to suit all voices and tastes; there is something for everyone. You don’t have to be an expert singer or be able to read music. There are no auditions and all are welcome; all you need is a love of singing.
We rehearse in St Peter’s Church, Yoxford, every Wednesday during term-time from 7pm to 9pm. Come along and try us out for free! If you enjoy your visit and want to be a regular member of the choir there is a £5 charge for each session.
Visit our website to find out more or email us at singoutyoxford@gmail.com
With thanks to our generous audience our Summer Concert 2023 raised £539 for the Peartree Café in Saxmundham; a charity for individuals with learning difficulties and additional needs.
We will start rehearsals again on Wednesday 6 September 2023. If you would like to come along please email us at singoutyoxford@gmail.co.uk. We look forward to welcoming you.
We were invited to perform with the Teachers Choir at Snape Concert Hall in July 2023. We are happy to share the performance with you, please click on the link below: