Cora Lilian Marr was born 4 th July 1901 in Edmonton, Middlesex.
In 1922 she started her nursing career with a three-year contract with
Cambridge County Nursing Association. There were very few District
Nurses in the area at this time and she was asked to start up a new
district. Her general training had been in the east end of London and so
rural life was a distinct contrast. Long distances had to be covered by
bicycle in all weathers, with very little time off duty. However, she found
the work interesting and rewarding and remained in the county for 16
years, working in three different areas.
After she married Edward T White, (born in Linton in Cambridgeshire in
1896) in 1936 in Cambridge, she was asked to stay on. She did so until
Edward became seriously ill and he was advised to return to Suffolk. (He
is believed to have been injured during WWI, or his health impaired).
She became a dispenser secretary for a doctor until he was called up on
the outbreak of war. She then moved to Yoxford and became dispenser
secretary for Dr Marriott. On the 1939 England and Wales Register
Edward and Cora are living at ‘Ivycot’, Brudenell Street in Aldeburgh,
where Edward is listed as ‘incapacitated’. In 1942 she had to register
with the Ministry of Labour and was required to return to nursing. As the
Yoxford district was vacant the East Suffolk county supervisor offered
her the post and she returned to the village. In the UK & Ireland Nursing
Registers, 1947-8, her address was given as The Lodge, High Street,
Yoxford and her date of enrolment as 23 rd November, 1945. Edward died
in 1953 at the age of 57.
Cora had befriended Audrey Todd (see Todd family) and after Edward’s
death the two friends would often holiday together, driving to the south
coast, or Devon and Cornwall.
Cora retired in 1963 owing to ill health. Lady Hambling had organised a
collection for her and at a presentation in the Village Hall she was given
a cheque for £164 and a book containing all the names of subscribers in
the villages of Yoxford, Darsham, Middleton, Westleton, Dunwich,
Walberswick and Hinton, the area in her District.

Lady Hambling said the cheque was being presented with love and best wishes from all who
knew her, especially in Yoxford, where she had lived for over 20 years. Her words
were endorsed by Mrs Garritty of Dunwich on behalf of the other villages. She
recalled Nurse White’s devotion to duty and her kindness and willingness to go
out in an emergency even if she had only just returned from a case. Mr M Dade,
representing the male section of the villages, said he was sure Nurse White’s
recent illness was only due to her devotion to duty and hard work and that
she would now enjoy a happy retirement. Nurse White replied that she
was overwhelmed and touched by everyone’s kindness and could only
say ‘thank you, one and all’. She was presented with a bouquet by
Yvonne Smith, one of the many babies she had delivered in her career.
During 40 years of nursing Cora delivered over 2,000 babies.