The agenda for the next meeting is attached below. Meetings start at 7 pm in the Village Hall, Old High Road, Yoxford, IP17 3HN.  The public are welcome to attend. The dates for all scheduled meetings in 2024 are attached below but may be subject to change:

All Parish Council meetings are public meetings and so members of the public are welcome to attend to observe or speak to the Council.  Time for those wishing to speak will be allotted at the start of the meeting or during the meeting at the Chair’s discretion.

In accordance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities 2015, the Parish Council has a duty to publish draft minutes of meetings within one month of the meeting.  The draft minutes can be found on this site.  However, it should be noted that the minutes are only a draft document and do not become an official record of the Parish Council meeting until they are approved at the next Parish Council meeting.  Minutes from earlier dates than published on this site can be obtained from the Parish Clerk.

Agendas for next meetings. The agenda for the forthcoming meeting will be published on this site three clear days before the meeting date.:

Minutes of last meetings.

It should be noted that the minutes below, are only a draft document and do not become an official record of the Parish Council meeting until they are approved at the next Parish Council meeting.:

Minutes, approved as accurate, from previous meetings are below: