These were good occasions for villagers to get together; often the maypole was retrieved and dances learned.
There were parties for the Silver Jubilee of George V & Queen Mary in 1935 and for the Coronation of George VI & Elizabeth in 1937. Percy Horner was on the Committee for the Coronation Day events in the village and there were flags and bunting throughout.

The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 1953.

The Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II, June 1977. A week’s celebration in the parish, paid for by the winter activities, arranged by a committee chaired by village policeman Paul Weyman, which met at the Vicarage. The High Street was closed and stalls were set up; there was a procession with the British Legion Band, villagers carrying flags and tables were set up for a children’s party. Parties for the children and the over-60s were held in the Village Hall. A variety of entertainments were put on in the Village Hall and all the pubs.
Every child up to 15 years old received a Jubilee coin. The Vicar cut the cake and the Queen’s health was drunk. There was a Fancy Dress parade – children, floats, vintage cars were all led by Leiston Town Band. There was a barbecue one evening, put on by families of American servicemen living in the village, stationed at nearby Bentwaters. On Sunday morning an Official Service was held in the church, with Songs of Praise at 7pm.