In 1966 the first Horticultural Society Spring Show was held in the Village Hall, with 100 entries.
An annual show had been held at the Three Tuns. The Horticultural Society grew from the Allotment movement and was established in 1850. Prizes were given for wheat, fruit & flowers and afternoon teas were served. It is not known whether this continued anywhere after the Inn burnt down in 1925.

An annual Flower Festival was held at St Peter’s, with floral displays by lady villagers. These had such themes as Flowers in Splendour, a Dahlia Festival, a Rose Festival, Harvest Flowers.
It is not known when this started but the only photos we have are from the 1990s. It usually took place in August or September and celebrations went on for the whole day. The Procession started at the bottom of Strickland Manor Hill, making its way along the High Street and through the village. A band at the front was followed by dozens of children in fancy dress and many floats, ending at the Village Hall where celebrations continued throughout the day and evening. There were stalls and games along the street and at the school.